E Sports

Description: Combines competitive gaming with educational components. Participants develop skills in teamwork, strategy, and digital literacy while also learning about the business and culture of e-sports.
  • Sciences: Exploring the physiology of gamers, including reaction times and cognitive function.
  • Technologies: Learning about the hardware and software used in gaming setups.
  • Reading:
    • “Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World” by Jane McGonigal
    • “The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses” by Jesse Schell
  • Research:
    • Conducting studies on gaming trends and e-sports market analysis.
    • “Handbook of Esports Medicine: Clinical Aspects of Competitive Video Gaming” by Lindsay Wells, et al.
  • Remuneration: Understanding sponsorships, prize money, and career opportunities in e-sports.
  • Engineering: Designing and optimizing gaming equipment.
  • Electronics: Building and maintaining gaming PCs.
  • Arts: Creating game-related art and media.
  • ‘Aina: Promoting sustainable gaming practices.
  • Mathematics: Applying statistical analysis to game performance.
  • Mele: Integrating music production for game soundtracks.
  • Mo’omeheu: Examining the cultural impact of e-sports globally, including indigenous gaming traditions.
    • Olelo Hawai’i: “Pā’ani” – Games or sports.
  • You: Developing personal branding and self-presentation skills.>
Our Sponsors

DUBBY Energy

Rogue Energy

Swift Energy